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Who are we ?
"Le Ciste Alambiqué" is the dream come true
of a passionate couple.
Didier Belchi
Artisan Distiller
Didier is the picker and the artisan distiller
of Alambique Cistus.
Audois above all, Didier is attached to his terroir
and the rich plant heritage of the territory.
His different training in distillation and his experience
as an artisan distiller ...
Didier Belchi
Christelle Darras Belchi
Christelle is the therapist and trainer of Ciste Alambique. Enthused by her discovery of Bach Flowers in 2012, she understands that the
Her professional experience in the human resources sector makes her
Christelle Darras Belchi
Consulting practitioner
in personalized aromatherapy
and Bach Flowers - Trainer
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